Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ Q ICP-MS 1341430 Pt Skimmer Cone - Cold and Hot Plasma
通过使用Thermo Scientific™iCAP™7000系列ICP-OES的可拆卸Thermo Scientific™陶瓷D-Torch套件代替传统石英炬与iCAP™7000,降低与ICP-OES技术分析相关的一些传统耗材....
TX-400 Rotor Adapters 75003683 Pack of 4 50mL Conical
TX-400 Rotor Adapters 75003683 Pack of 4 50mL Conical
Round #8 Thumb Screw Knob (09908517)
This kit includes: Glass Standard Cyclonic Spray Chamber (N0776052) Cyclonic Spray Chamber Mount Kit (N0770131)